October 9, 2019October 9, 2019Composite Drone Reeds, Maintenance Composite Drone Reed Maintenance Overview I have been working with ‘composite’ drone reeds (metal body/cane tongue) in my Uilleann Pipes since around the mid 90’s. I find […]
August 15, 2019October 9, 2019Composite Drone Reeds, Maintenance Instructions for Re-Tonguing Composite Drone Reeds Materials that you will need: A Bass saxophone reed or Bass Clarinet reed soft grade. A tenor Sax reed is also acceptable […]
August 15, 2019October 9, 2019Composite Drone Reeds, Maintenance Instructions for Tuning Composite Drone Reeds The following guidelines apply generally to tuning all kinds of drone reeds. a) The shorter the tongue the higher the pitch. b) […]
February 1, 2019October 9, 2019Composite Drone Reeds, Maintenance Parts of a Drone Reed There are generally only five problems that commonly arise. 1. ‘Clapping’, i.e. the reed closes shut with the result that there is […]